Typically Archetypal
Sing oh muse the song of creativity The song of a family’s dysfunctionality A loving family of caricatures and stereotypes And perhaps the most predictable archetypes Rising prices have forced them into mansions The men run businesses, the women fluff cushions Our heroine is a maiden slim and fair With Snow white’s complexion and Rapunzel’s hair She has no opinion, no silliness, no vice She burns many calories in being likable and nice Often she undertakes an arduous journey to the altar Suffering sanctimoniously, never to falter She swelters in brocades and melts under pancake In addition to playing victim, she can cook and bake Often she has a hotline to the Gods above Who in deus ex machine style come rescuing their dove Often the boon or bane in her life Is an elderly person dressed in pastels or white She is the matriarch, patriarchy is her mission Her position is highest in the hierarchy of suppression A fairy godmother or a ...